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Publications and Presentations

Inspire Excellence

Evans-Wilson, K. (2022). Defending a Dissertation with a Venn Diagram Mindset. In S. Allen (Ed.) Call Me Doctor We Earned It! 13 success stories of defending a dissertation during the Covid-19 pandemic. (pp. 133 – 140). Amazon Pro Hub.

Evans-Wilson, K. (2023, June). Outcome Mapping 3.0: Using quantifiable alignment data to help inform curriculum improvement.  AALHE Annual Conference. New, Orleans, LA.

Evans-Wilson, K. (2023, June).  HoP for Health of Program: Using Change Management Strategies to Develop and Implement an Innovative Program Review System. AALHE Annual Conference. New, Orleans, LA.

Evans-Wilson, K. (2022, October). Leadership 2022 and Beyond. AGA Central Ohio Professional Development Training. Columbus, OH.

Evans-Wilson, K. (2022, September). Succession Planning at all levels. Raymond M. Mason Leadership Symposium Presenter

Evans-Wilson, K. and Sweetland, Y. (2021, October). Curriculum Mapping 2.0. Assessment Institute hosted by IUPUI.

Evans-Wilson, K. (2019, November). Contains Courage Food Allergy Research Education (FARE) Summit 2019. Ready or Not, Here They Come: A Food Allergy Parent’s Perspective on the College Search Process. Washington D.C.

Strategic Ohio Council for Higher Education (SOCHE) Excellence Award January 2020

WCET (WICHE Cooperative of Educational Technologies). (2022, August). Succession Planning Panelist

WCET (WICHE Cooperative of Educational Technologies). (2022, March). Key Stakeholders Panelist